October 2nd, 2016

This world is full of chaos. I awoke today with such a heavy heart....a heart yearning for peace that only He can give. 
I sat back praying for friends, family and myself this morning and see the devil running rampant and it makes my heart long for the Lord. 
I have friends whose marriages have been torn apart. An uncle lying in the hospital right now preparing to take his last breath on this earth. A friend who just lost his job unexpectedly. A friend who lost her brother and we still have no answers to explain his death. A political debate that's gone way out of control. A daughter who just lost her grandfather this past week. Friends dealing with a daughters behavior who is grieving the loss of her father from a drug overdose. A friend who is battling alcoholism and depression. Friends that have taken their lives in the past year because the whisper in their ear told them it was better that way. Destruction everywhere I look. And then he spoke to me. My Father whispered to me, take your eye off the storms and look up to me Dana. 
He is greater, bigger and stronger than any of the devils ploys. He went before us to prepare a place for us so that the demise in this world would not be the end for us. He wants to give our life purpose and passion. When your heart feels at its breaking point and all you see is hurt, pain and sorrow....Look up my friends. Stop looking around at the troubles of this world. Didn't the Lord tell us in John 16:33 
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
He has overcome this world!!! Look up my friends! Stop looking behind. When we focus on our past, we cannot see what's ahead and the promises that God has for us. God surely doesn't want to remind us of our past failures and mistakes. Instead He wants to fill us with His peace, love, and compassion for one another. God desires to fill us with the fullness of Himself. .... God wants us to love Him with all of our heart. So when you find yourself focusing on the troubles of this world, take a step back and turn your eyes to Heaven. I promise He waits for you, He desires you and longs for an intimate relationship with us and Him. Look up, look up, look up!!!

Sergio Guevara