January 25th, 2017

How's Your Prayer Life???

How many of you recognize the power of prayer?? Did you know that Jesus gave us the "Great Command" telling us to go into prayer meeting first (Acts 1:4) so that in Acts 1:8 we can receive power after the Holy Spirit comes upon us to be witnesses throughout the nations. But it all began in PRAYER!
We have the power to change the world thru prayer. We have the power to change the church thru prayer. Why? Because prayer brings unity and causes us to grow personally in our relationship with the Lord. 
How many of you need a break thru? Looking for a new job or promotion? Has your marriage hit a rough patch? Financial troubles staring you in the face? How about health issues? Child, friend or loved one battling an addiction? 
Did you know that anointing can break all powers of darkness? Anointing is that which causes us to do things that will never happen otherwise. It's the supernatural power of God!!! And the anointing comes only thru prayer. 
God needs conversation with you. He desires to hear your heart and requests. We must learn to make God a priority. We also need to learn to be organized and strategic in our prayer life, don't you think the enemy is strategic? When you pray, are the words from your mouth acceptable to God? Are they meaningful? Do you pray in such a way that something really can happen thru your prayers? 
Weeks ago the enemy attacked someone in my family. As my baby cousin lay fighting for his life in the hospital God moved. He gave a vision to a friend of mine, someone that didn't even know Colton but saw him sitting in a room crying out for help. His family surrounded him in a circle on the outskirts of the walls but no one was really listening. He continued to cry out telling everyone he was fighting and to help him fight. Then her dog (a St Bernard) came walking into the room and sat down beside Colton. I knew what God was saying, He was going to save Colton. But it also was a command for us, for me. I knew what we were fighting. But more importantly I knew what had to be done. I reached out to my prayer warriors( I hope you have some of those in your life) who immediately began intercession on his behalf. My husband and I left and headed straight to the hospital where we went in, laid hands on Colton, anointed him with oil, and prayed. And boy did we pray!!! The spirit of infirmity was not welcome there and it had to go! We prayed....and so did you. ❤As intercession began chains began breaking. Hundreds of people began praying on his behalf. Tests began coming back normal. His body began healing, not because of you or I but because the power of God. Because we took our requests to our Father, and he showed us exactly what He can do!!!! That's the power of our God. A God of miracles, a God of healing, a God who loves us that much that He wants to show up when we cry out to Him! So I encourage you all today....PRAY! Talk to your Father, He's always listening ❤ Tomorrow I will continue on prayer and plan to give you all 12 scriptural ways to pray. God speed my friends!

Sergio Guevara