March 8th, 2016

The importance of Five Fold Ministry

Many of you may recognize what this represents while some of you may not. I personally had an "ordained by God" revelation about this last night while studying. 
Apostles, Teachers, Shepherds( Pastors), Prophets and Evangelists make up this much needed group of Saints. 
But did you know that you as a believer are considered a Saint??? 
And more importantly do you believe that God calls us to serve in these different areas of ministry? 
I have many people and God-sent influences in my life that possess these traits. Wonderful teachers; I am blessed to have fellowship with many outstanding Shepherds or Pastors. I know many Apostles who have been sent to plant churches ( and remember church is not always physical churches with cute little steeples that are being planted) 😍 I have some very Prophetic people that are anointed with such gifts, and God has even helped me realize the difference in being ordained as a prophet by Jesus Christ vs the Holy Spirit coming upon you and allowing for prophesying: there is most definitely a difference. And I have come to love and have such adoration for my Evangelists...who want "just one more soul!!" They truly get it: and are willing to do what God wants and continuously store up treasures in Heaven with their eagle eyes ❤️ 
I recently visited the church I grew up in and had a heart wrenching pain that "I felt" God must have been feeling too when I saw the lack of rejoicing that was going on, especially when it comes to ones salvation. I was really struggling with this and had been in prayer for weeks when God finally whispered......unity but with diversification. God seeks out Unity in faith, the acknowledgment of true Christianity and the miracle life but no different than the many areas of ministry we have we also have various forms of practicing and living out that faith in fellowship. Maybe you are Baptist( I grew up this way 😜), Lutheran, Methodist, Pentecostal, Presbyterian... Or maybe you are not sure what you are or where you fit in???!!! 
Well what I can assure you of is this: You were created, You are chosen and You are loved. And when you truly encounter and hear the word of will become a magnet to you and a hunger you have never known will begin to fill you and make you desire more and more of Him as He continuously grows you. It's ok to be diversified in whatever religious background you are from. The message is Jesus Christ crucified, and that's what it's all about! God speed my friends ❤️

Sergio Guevara