April 7th, 2016

What do you do when things you planned or life falls apart?

We all have disappointments in life. You vision the house on the hill with the perfect spouse, 2.4 kids, dog, cat and white picked fence. Or the perfect job, perfect family, or how about perfect church?!?!? So how do you handle it when you realize what you envisioned and what God has given are two different things? 
Hold on tight to God. He is the only thing that never changes for His ways are good and always above my ways. Sometimes we have to learn to pick up broken pieces and try to tape them back together...even if that calls for duct tape (not scotch!) Sometimes we have to learn to let go. Not everything that we cling on to in life is good for us. Bad habits and bad relationships, if physically harming us, are not of God. Sometimes we must ride the wave to see what God is delivering us from or possibly bringing us to. It can go both ways. 
If we learn to keep our eyes focused on God above us, sometimes storm doesn't seem so bad. I can assure you.....God knows, He will not forsake you, He loves you, He desires you, He hears your cry, He knows every tear you cry. We must learn to go to Him for comfort. He may send people in your path to be the human form of relief. Whether it's a smile, words of encouragement or even a simple hug...he blesses us with earthly angels along the way. But sometimes the comfort we need only comes from our Heavenly Father. 
Remember who YOU are. A child of the one true King. Don't let people's words or actions break your heart. Let your daddy deal with them, because He will. Learn to pray for yourself. Rebuke Satan and his lies that he wants to whisper in your ear. Spiritual warfare is real and he will use whatever he can to make you doubt yourself and Gods love for you. And learn to accept that where you are is where God meant for you to be. The only way He gets good crops is by digging out the weeds, so let Him. Peoples actions may change the way you feel about them, but never change your desire for the cross. Be blessed my friends ❤️

Sergio Guevara