April 5th, 2016

Are our prayers more than terms of endearment???

How many times do you find yourself telling someone...."I will be praying!" My husband shared a story with me about a conversation he heard many years ago at work, where a coworker told the the other person on the phone...."I will be praying" before he hung up. He then asked the coworker why he had said that and was told....because it sounded good. So is that our prayer life? Do we find ourselves looking around everyday and see what NEEDS prayer but are not genuinely coming before our Father presenting Him with our requests? There are 3 things that I know....He listens, He cares, and He > I! I believe that we often underestimate the power in prayer. Prayer has the ability to change our circumstances. Prayer gives us the opportunity to have fellowship with not only our Father but others so that we can share the Gospel. Prayer gives us freedom to recognize we are not in control but our God is. Prayer allows us to draw closer to God and grow in His word. And one of the best things prayer can do.....take the focus off of our problems and let us focus on others which most often can make our issues more bearable and tolerable when we look at it through Gods eyes. Don't be afraid to pray, there is no "Correct" prayer life; that's between you and God. Don't become so fixated on the thought of what prayer should look like and that you have to be down on humbled knee, eyes closed and hands together. Yes, we come before God humbly in prayer but humbly is a heart issue not a body formation. I'm sure there are probably people here in town that might think I'm crazy because I love talking to God while I'm driving away in my car during my day; they probably think I talk to myself! 😜 But that's OK!!!! I hope to encourage you in your prayer life and that you learn to start taking everything to God in prayer. It will change YOU ❤️ I will leave you with this....my dear, sweet cousin Debbie Morrison passed away a little over a month ago when she lost her battle with cancer. My Aunt Gwyn shared with me that when she went to see her at the hospital when they decided to put her on hospice...that she told Debbie "I will be praying for you, it's the least I can do". Debbie's response ...."No, that's the best you can do"! I PRAY that we all can have that kind of faith and hope in our Lord Jesus Christ! May each and everyone of you have a blessed day and find someone to pray for today!! 🙌🏼 🙌🏼 🙌🏼 🙌🏼

Sergio Guevara