February 16th, 2017


Consider what would happen if you were speaking life over your relationships, over your spouse, and over yourself. Those words of love are like springs of living water. Emotions change, attitudes change, joy increases and love fills the air. Why speak death and defeat over people and yourself, when you can be speaking words of hope, words of faith, and words of love?
Song of Solomon 2:15; Catch all the foxes, those little foxes, before they ruin the vineyard of love, for the grapevines are blossoming! Clear out your house of those things that ruin and bring death, remove those things from your speech, you don't want your love compromised! 
James 3:10-11 says; from the same mouth come both blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be this way. Does a fountain send out from the same opening both fresh and bitter water? 
Sometimes we need to check ourselves before we open up our mouths and let our emotions do the speaking, we need to think with our minds before we speak.
We need to come to a place in our mind, in our thoughts, and in our soul that rejects the words of lack, the words of deficiency, the words of absence, the words of unworthiness, and the words of death in our lives. We need to cast out the negative words spoken over us, and cast away the negative words that we often speak about ourselves, our situations, and to other people. Far too often people begin with the lesser, and then hope they see the greater someday. You have got to watch what you are planting in your garden and allowing into your house. 
I think it's also just as important to learn to guard our hearts for the enemy is always searching and looking for a way in including by our thoughts. We have got to be a people of God so that when we feel tired or worn that we speak life into our situation. Bad day at work? We all have them, but don't let the devil run with your thoughts. Learn to speak over him: I love my job and being a nurse and I thank you Lord for allowing me to pour into the lives of others. Kids driving you crazy?????? I love being a mom/dad and being able to experience raising my children in the ups and downs Lord because you are with me in this process and knew their names long before I ever did, so thank you Lord for being a mom/dad! Division or arguing between your spouse??? I love being a wife/husband and thank you for the gift of marriage Lord and for showing us that thru you, and with you, as our foundation we cannot be broken. Financial problems arise? I thank you Lord for what we do have: a roof over our heads, food on the table, cars that take us to work, a job that enables income for our family and the wisdom to know that if we trust in you, you will provide. Matt 6:26
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
Learn to speak life into your relationships and leave the devil no wiggle room to steal your thoughts, vision or ears. God has equipped you with weapons for warfare. Learn to praise Him in every situation and guard your heart and mind. Learn to speak up and out about the good He has done so that others know who you are and what you stand for in every relationship in your life. Allow God to move in every one of those areas and I promise, that head knowledge will become heart knowledge too! ❤❤

Sergio Guevara